MULTISPRAY - vacuum tray dryers Back

Italvacuum’s static vacuum dryers consist of a main body (drying chamber), completely heated by means of a liquid circulations circuit so as to avoid any condensation phenomena, and a series of shelves heated by means of a fluid distribution collector, which guarantees heat homogeneity on all radiating plates.
Italvacuum’s dryers meet the increasingly severe good manufacturing practices (GMP), imposed by FDA for machines employed in the pharmaceutical industry, especially with regard to the ease with which the dryer inner chamber and the heating plates can be totally and perfectly cleaned thanks to the new Italvacuum patent called Multispray.
Multispray dryers are available in two executions –either with fixed shelves, or with the removable shelves frame. Model with fixed shelves is made with mirror polished surface, there are no welding seams on the inner surfaces. The bottom of the enclosure is slightly tilted forward in the direction of the door, thus facilitating complete extraction of washing liquid.
For applications, requiring changing of drying product, version with extractable shelves was developed. The shelves are installed and connected to a rigid frame, which can be pulled out of the cabinet via hydraulic trolley.
Sizes range of cabinets with fixed shelves includes 7 units ranging from 250 liters up to the volume 4 m3. Total area of all trays in this case ranges from 1.4 m2 to 30.2 m2. In the latter case, the 60 trays are involved simultaneously.
Model range with extractable shelves includes 6 models ranging from 340 liters up to the volume 5.4 m3. The product is dried on 6-56 pallets with the surface from 1.4 m2 to 31.5 m2.
For Multispray cabinet dryers application in GMP conditions, highly efficient system of automatic cleaning CIP (Clean In Place) was developed. The effectiveness of washing for the dryers with fixed shelves is 98%, and for models with extractable shelves - 100%.
Useful surface area | 1,4 - 31,5 m2 |
Namber of heating shelves | 6 - 28 |
Namber of trays | 6 - 60 |
Volume | 250 - 5200 litres |